Talitha was lucky enough to get to visit home (Aotearoa) during a brief travel-bubble between Naarm lockdowns.
There, she found some NZ-designed fabric at an op shop. To bring that back and make doorstops, a promise of doors being open, while we were locked-down felt like an action of resistance and hope.
As for many, reflecting on the impacts of the pandemic, this had us thinking about what’s really important to us and what do we want to do with our "one wild and precious life” (Mary Oliver). How can we live a life more meaningfully?
The Recollective is our answer to that question. A playground at the nexus of reflection, culture and feminist theologies. It is also a space for others to ask that question of themselves.
The Recollective seeks to create, and to explore the ways in which as we make, we are made ourselves - serving as both a vehicle and a vessel for changemakers, community practitioners and activists to develop and co-create.
Our products are made out of conversations, relationship and - where possible - recycled and sustainable materials. This might mean that our interests move on and we stop making something in favour of making something new. This might mean products come and go as collaborations do. This might mean that the delivery item on a product is slower because we're making it personally for you. This might mean that we had enough fabric to make only two items in that design or colour. And so on...
Know when you shop here, that we're not working to perfect, streamline or mass produce uniformity but rather delighting in the slow and sustainable work of our hands in ways that invite, celebrate, and fund diversity and creativity.
Want to get involved?
You can head over to Buy Me A Coffee and cheer us on by clicking Follow.
You can give a one off donation by clicking Support.
You can become a regular donor by clicking Membership.
Contributions to The Recollective, and purchases at our store, supports the practical structure of this business models' Shopify page, insurance and other overheads to the benefit of all of its contributors. It supports artists getting paid for their work. It supports scholarship funds prioritising indigenous, poc, queer initiatives through the Recollective.
It also says: “I want this space to exist in the world”.
It opens doors. Welcome in...
Talitha and Stacey