Matrianarchy: ANNA
Matrianarchy: ANNA
Curated by Stacey Wilson this image is one of a series of 7 images and texts bringing awareness and attention to women in the genealogy of Jesus - not "leaders" within their society but managing to wield power and effect status all the same. When we acknowledge our ancestors we say: I am because they were... but who are these women?
Russell Hoban's work offers a queer(ing) lens and suggests that they are Holy Tricksters, "Cleverly dodging the limitations of their world, these tricky characters drive unforeseen subversive plotlines through acts of deception, pranks, wit, and intelligence to create unexpected outcomes. Tricksters are both destroyers and creators, and, foremost, they are boundary and border breakers whose actions and stories contradict convention; tricksters smirk at petty limitations and, in doing so, awaken audiences to creative possibilities."
Art and photography by Stacey Wilson
Also available separately as a set of 7